(games and mods edition)

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yo just some weird looking biopunk game with cool concept, materials and environment! also body models are interesting! check it here (open for testers!) crete

MAY 10. quest mods of the day
  • (SE) sirenroot ... a dialogue-heavy quest with puzzles, platforming, and a focus on water mechanics. status: waiting for new save
  • (SE) The Lost Wonders of Mzark ... Morrowind-themed fully-voiced quest mod, part of the series of mods about Sotha Sil. status: waiting for new save
  • (MW) Red Wisdom - An Ashlander Prophecy ... "Join forces with wide-eyed Nirani to unlock the hidden truths that lie within the sacred burial sites of the tribes. Explore a new angle to Ashlander lore, confront wild beasts and Daedric interlopers..." status: waiting for new save
  • (SE/LE) The Tools of Kagrenac ... "Go on a quest to recover the legendary Tools of Kagrenac. Encounter new allies and enemies, explore sprawling dungeons, and add powerful new artifacts and spells to your arsenal in this fully-voiced quest mod!" status: waiting for new save
  • (SE) The Price of Art ... "Meet a travelling poet who seeks to heal damage that he has endured in his tormented past." status: waiting
  • (SE) Cutting Room Floor ... "A mod to restore several pieces of cut content". status: maybe some day

Skywind update!

and also modding Morrowind May Modathon! Morrowind May Modathon logo

happy birthday morrowind

"happy birthday morrowind happy birthday morrowind" oh yeah? cure your coppupted saves then n'wah

BUT SERIOUSLY my god happy birthday my favorite game!!!!!!! i love you!!!!!

MAR 25. new P.T.

so! i've watched new chilla's art game letsplay. not my cup of tea, maybe! i like their style, stigmatized property and \the convenience store still are my favorite! i'm serious, it is close to my heart.

so, i've noticed a new "style" within the game community right now, like "anomaly seeking" thing. it was a thing long before that, but it didn't look literally like walking. checking for anomalies? yes. walking on the loop? yes. i remember plenty of such games. but now... it looks like a anomaly + P.T. loop.

do you remember this game btw?!?!? for me, P.T. is one of these games that almost open a new genre. it has legacy and influence! and i feel like it's something... magical. it's not often games are opening a new genre. super cool interesting innovational games? of cource. we have many masterpieces. but new genre! not always. i love Morrowind with all my heart, but it's a classical PRG, now something new. not a bad thing, just other category.

anyway! i'm not sure why this looping-anomaly thing isn't for me. i like walking simulators, even without any plot or storyline. but here... mystery.

MAR 25. Ebongrove, venjhammet's mods, Nordic Runestones

[placeholder for the link on game screenshots gallery]

MAR 24. stardew valley update and new chilla's art game

NEW CHILLA'S ART GAME!!! OH MY GOD!!! it's called "0" (zero). i want to play it, but i don't have much money... so maybe I will watch it instead! would watch ManlyBadassHero letsplay btw :D

TARDEW VALLEY 1.6 UPDATE!!!! not sure how it'll works with the old mods tho... will see! :D

MAR 24. Skywind and Journey to Baan Malur

I'm still thinking about this Skywind Halloween video.... I'm going insane... I should mod fucking Morrowind right NEAW!

NEW MOD FOR SKYRIM ABOUT MORROWIND?!!?? OH MY GOD! Journey to Baan Malur ─ "Explore north-west Morrowind in the Julan-Shar region, home to the town of Cormaris, provincial capital of Baan Malur, and many dungeons to discover. Comes with fully-voiced NPCs with unique daily schedules, completed interiors, full LOD, new locations and a small quest." status: waiting for new save pics by PrincessCurtis (check mod's galley, idk why i can't link at this person directly)